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¡Conviértase en Miembro!

This memorial site has been started to remember our father, George William Nix, who led a wonderful, loving life. 

He was born on October 15, 1929, in a little town called Lodi, California.  And passed away on September 25, 2012 in Elk Grove, Ca.

Please visit Dad's "Life Story" page.  And don't forget to add your own memories & condolences.
Thanks for visiting,

Our Father Kept a Garden


Our father kept a garden,

a garden of the heart.

He planted all the good things

that gave our lives their start.


He turned us toward the sunshine

and encouraged us to dream.

Fostering and nurturing

the seeds of self-esteem.


Our father kept a garden,

watched with loving care.

He blessed us both with laughter,

And gentleness that’s rare.


His constant good example,

taught us right from wrong.

Markers for our pathway

that will last a lifetime long.


We are our fathers’ garden,

it’s very clear to see.

Our father loved his daughters,

and we are his legacy.



Thank you, dad.  We love you and miss you very much.

Brenda and Sandy



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