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Oktober 15, 1929


 George William Nix was born into the great depression in 1929 in a little town called Lodi.  His parents, Jim & Ester Nix, lived nearby in Wilton, Ca.   His brother, Irvin, was a few years older.

The family, struggling during the depression, decided to head for the hills, literally.  They moved to the foothills of California to live off the land and pan for gold. 
The boys went to a one room school house in the Sierra Nevada foothills near Grass Valley.  During this time, the brothers learned to hunt, fish, and prospect for gold. 



Returning to the Wilton area, Dad graduated from Elk Grove High School and then enlisted in the army. He served his country during the Korean conflict. He was stationed in Germany where he was proud to be part of the “Hell on Wheels” division that maintained and drove trucks and heavy equipment.


On his return to civilian life, Dad decided to go to Texas to continue his education. He went to LeTourneau University in Longview, a Christian college that was for men only, at that time.

It was during this time that he met our mother, who was attending Kilgore College. An arranged date to a dance soon turned into a love affair with our mother, Jacqueline Ray Hammons. 
George and Jackie were married in 1955 and decided to move to California to start their life together, and raise a family.

Dad was employed by the County of Sacramento and worked in the Public Works Department for many years. He enjoyed his job and was always a good provider.

Mom & Dad have fun in a photo booth during a trip to San Francisco.  Getting ready to start their family!
Their daughters were born in Sacramento, where they decided to settle down. Brenda was born in 1957.

Sandy was born in 1959.  After the girls are born,  Dad's life revolved around family, church friends, and work. 
No girls could have had a more wonderful father than we did.  Dad was so mild mannered, funny, and caring, that we never once had to worry about what to expect from him.  He was sweet and loving always. 
Several folks said that he was the perfect father for girls.  We have to agree! 
Our dad and mom always made sure we had lots of new experiences, family fun, trips and adventures. Our parents took us, among other places to; see the California Redwoods, Lake Tahoe, camping along the West Coast, to visit Yosemite, play at Disney Land, climb the streets of San Francisco, and view the Grand Canyon. Along with all the fantastic experiences and fun road trips our parents drove us across the country to Texas numerous times to visit our mom's family. We always came back with good memories.

Dad was always very much involved in the Church.  He helped build First Southern Baptist Church in Sacramento, and Emmanuel Baptist Church. He attended both of those churches along with Signal Heights Baptist Church. Among other duties, he was a Sunday School teacher, choir member, and Elder at various stages in his life. He made many life long friends at the churches. We are forever grateful for all the friends that added happiness to his life's journey.

In 1989 our dad became a granddad upon the birth of his grandson, Joshua Mejia. 
Dad lost the love of his life, our mother, in December 1990.  This was a terrible time for the family.  Dad handled the grief in his own, quiet way.  Just what we would expect from our dad.  They are now resting side by side. 
We always had pets growing up. Mainly dogs, as we were all dog lovers. His favorite dog must have been Penny. He loved that dog so much. Penny and Dad were very close and it was a sad time when in 1991 he was made to give her up to a loving couple who offered to take her in for the last year of her life. We are so glad for the companionship Penny was able to bring into our father's life.

His granddaughter, Brittany was born in 1992.   His grandchildren were his pride and joy. 
He wasn't able to see them as much as he would have liked to due to the fact that they reside in Texas but we made special trips to see one another. Either we would travel to California or Washington, or he would come out to Texas to visit. Here he is visiting with Josh and Brittany in Washington State.  He enjoyed driving his RV and camping in it! 

Our dad passed away in September of 2012 in the home he and Jackie bought together.   

His life was one full of happiness and joy and he was very loved. Even toward the end of his life, he never complained or felt sorry for himself. He was always upbeat and positive, holding true to his usual sweet, patient demeanor. He will be missed but will forever remain in our hearts. 

Dad, we salute you back!
Love Forever,
Brenda & Sandy

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